Department - PSYCHIATRY


the vision of providing world-class medical education services and promote research in the field of psychiatry.


  • To provide quality medical education.
  • To provide service to the population of people suffering from mental & behavioral disorders.
  • To participate in active research in the field of Psychiatry.




  Designation  S.No. Name  
  Professor 1 Dr. Bharat Kumar Agarwal
(Professor & Head)
  Associate Professor 1 Dr. Sunil Kumar  
  Assistant Professor 1 Dr. Mohua Mazumdar  
  2 Dr. Laxmi Kumari  
  Senior Resident 1 Dr. Darshan Chhabilbhai Chudasama  
  2 Dr. Nitin Kumar  
  Resident 1 Dr. Deepak Gehlot  
  2 Dr. Sarvpreet Singh  
  3 Dr. Tanay Agrawal  
  4 Dr. Shveta